I've been a bad, bad writer. Too much tv, too much blog reading, too much google reader...I'm a glutton here in the intellectual world. I consume and consume, but it's been far too long since I've "exercised" my writing rights. It's time to give back to the world. I'm just warming up again so excuse me if I'm a bit rusty and rambly.
Too much TV gluttony
It's probably no surprise to anyone that knows me that Glee quickly became my favorite TV show. Musicals are somewhat of an obsession to me, so put that on television covering my favorite power ballads and throw in some good looking people and I'm hooked. Sue Sylvester does not need health insurance; she cures all her illnesses with WILL POWER! (Will Schuester pun intended):

Onto LOST. I don't want to start talking about it too much because I'll end up going on and on and on forever about it. But I do want to mention they have an alt universe sort of thing going on here this season too. What the producers are touting as the "sideways" world. What if things had gone just slightly different in your lifetime? Would you still be connected to the same people and make the same choices, but just in a different context. I love that LOST is exploring that this season.
Finally, to end my rave on TV gluttony, I have to mention Big Love, for which the season ended last night. Bill has just been elected as a state senator and has outed himself and his three suburban polygamist wives. Meanwhile wife number 2 has married the fiance of ex-wife (number 4) in order to keep him in the country for a baby conceived with the ex-wife before they even got married! There was plenty of murders, arm chopping, gay sex and suicide to keep me highly entertained for the past 10 weeks. Now I just can't wait to see how the world in BIG LOVE reacts to these public polygamists next season.
Blogs and Google Reader
WebUrbanist - This is by far my favorite website of late. Their tagline is "sensational, educational, inspirational art, design, photography and visual culture." Simply put, I think they just find cool stuff and put it together in a great way! Topics range from vintage advertising to scary roads around the world to staircases you can slide down!
io9 - This is like the mecca of all websites for geek culture. They run articles from sci-fi to real science to fantasy. They showcase artists, space porn, reviews on geek movies old and new. So many of the things I am interested in are featured here!
Too much TV gluttony
Between the excitement of last fall's introduction of Glee to the ever increasing wonderfulness of Fringe and to the return of LOST and Big Love...I have to admit that I've been a bit TV obsessed of late.
It's probably no surprise to anyone that knows me that Glee quickly became my favorite TV show. Musicals are somewhat of an obsession to me, so put that on television covering my favorite power ballads and throw in some good looking people and I'm hooked. Sue Sylvester does not need health insurance; she cures all her illnesses with WILL POWER! (Will Schuester pun intended):
Fringe has a small cult following and for anyone not familiar with it, it's like X-files meets crime drama with an added bonus of sexy, snarky Joshua Jackson. My favorite thing about it is that it features an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. Anything that involves alt universes is awesome to me (think Donnie Darko, Stephen King's Dark Tower, the Matrix...hello!). Imagine somewhere in a dimension we can't get to - another you, another world that is almost the same but not exactly the same. Those people on the other side are trying to tamper with us and it's gonna get ugly. That's what I love so much about Fringe.
Onto LOST. I don't want to start talking about it too much because I'll end up going on and on and on forever about it. But I do want to mention they have an alt universe sort of thing going on here this season too. What the producers are touting as the "sideways" world. What if things had gone just slightly different in your lifetime? Would you still be connected to the same people and make the same choices, but just in a different context. I love that LOST is exploring that this season.
Finally, to end my rave on TV gluttony, I have to mention Big Love, for which the season ended last night. Bill has just been elected as a state senator and has outed himself and his three suburban polygamist wives. Meanwhile wife number 2 has married the fiance of ex-wife (number 4) in order to keep him in the country for a baby conceived with the ex-wife before they even got married! There was plenty of murders, arm chopping, gay sex and suicide to keep me highly entertained for the past 10 weeks. Now I just can't wait to see how the world in BIG LOVE reacts to these public polygamists next season.
Blogs and Google Reader
The great thing about Google Reader is that I can browse the internets at lightning speed and rarely ever have to deviate off the page in order to read blogs from all over. The bad thing about it is that it kills my productivity when I should be doing my own blogging and writing. So here's just a quick hit list of blogs I've been following and enjoying very much! (and is also where I find marvelous things like BACON CANDLES!)
WebUrbanist - This is by far my favorite website of late. Their tagline is "sensational, educational, inspirational art, design, photography and visual culture." Simply put, I think they just find cool stuff and put it together in a great way! Topics range from vintage advertising to scary roads around the world to staircases you can slide down!
io9 - This is like the mecca of all websites for geek culture. They run articles from sci-fi to real science to fantasy. They showcase artists, space porn, reviews on geek movies old and new. So many of the things I am interested in are featured here!
Serious Eats - I try to pretend like I'm a foodie, but really I'm just a foodie living vicariously through food porn sent to me from the far reaching corners of the internet. Serious Eats is one of my favorite food-blogs. They do recipes, cooking tips, restaurant reviews, hot dog of the week (this is a personal favorite) and just really cover a broad range of food topics. It always makes me hungry.
There are more, but we'll get to those another day. I think this was a good warm up bloggery session for me. If I get comments, I may just feel motivated to do more. :P Until then, long days and pleasant nights.
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