I am both woefully depressed and wildly ecstatic about the election results from last night. I hate those days when I'm so ambivalent that the very act of not being able to decide my mood is exhausting.
The call has been made and Proposition 8 has been passed. That means that once the election is certified, gay marriage will no longer be allowed in the State of California. Now, whether the gay marriages that were already performed will still be honored is a question yet to be answered (I hope yes). Ironically enough, Californians voted overwhelmingly in favor to give farm animals more room to roam around. More rights for chickens, less rights for homosexuals. The logic of it all is maddening!
I am deeply saddened that the choice of Californians was to ELIMINATE a civil right from a group of people. What troubles me further is that the majority of these backers are people from the Mormon church. I am ashamed that I once attended a church with such an ominous group of intolerant people. This, unfortunately, pushes me even further away from my family and friends who are still true believers in Mormonism. I guess I just can't believe that God would be in favor of oppressing those who are different from us or taking away someone's choice to make a decision for themselves.
At least there is a silver lining to this that should eclipse this woeful defeat of equal marriage...

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