So anyway, this year I am going back to my Nanowrimo roots. My character from my first nano novel is one that I just can't get out of my head and I most certainly have more of her story to tell, so I'm going to be doing a prequel of what happened to her leading up to the novel I wrote in 2006. She's kind of like a female version of Hamlet - except less of a weenie. Her uncle has murdered her father and she's decided to go AWOL on her country in favor of (no, not college), but a pirate/criminal lifestyle. She's the adrenaline rush kind of gal - not the sit and be a pampered princess type at all.
My novel should involve a good deal of piracy, sex, drugs, murder, conniving royals, soft hearted conmen, and bad mouthed women wearing too-tight corsets on ships in addition to all the fantasy and swashbuckling pirate elements I can conjure up in 30 days. I'm so excited to be going back to this world that I can barely stand to wait! I must control myself until November 1.
I don't have an outline yet, or any ideas for my opening scene. Heck, I don't even know the time frame in which I want to tell my story. I know so much about this character and her life but I just haven't put it all down on paper yet.
Oh! Pirates! I'm looking forward to updates on that progress! On the other hand, I can sympathize with the whole not being able to wait thing. Last year I gave up. This year, I'm so excited that I can barely contain myself.
-Signed, a fellow nanoer.
Thanks! xD Yeah, I have to agree. Very few really write of it as a curse though, it seems.
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