There are so many political issues to talk about (Larry King Live's comedy panel, Sarah Palin continuing to be an idiot, right-wing conservatives still trying to take away civil rights! oh my...), but I must turn my mental focus on Nanowrimo just for a bit.
I realized today, as I was browsing the Nanowrimo forums, that I have NO ONE in my supporting cast. So far all I know is that I have my characters (1) Aurora, a headstrong teen runaway who was heir to a grand empire, but decided to skip out when her incestual uncle who killed her father wanted to marry her and (2) Avery, a snarky but handsome captain of a pirate ship who is all about the money and the treasure (duh). My other characters will undoubtedly be the ship's crew and some inhabitants of the islands where the two main characters go searching for their treasure. But so far I don't have any ideas, so it may be off to the character generators for me.
Another thing I need to think about is the matter of when I will be able to find TIME to work on this project. This Friday night at midnight will probably not be when I start because A: it is Halloween and B: I will probably be too inebriated to remember to start the damn thing. But hey, we'll see. Anyway - my best chance for solid writing is going to be on Sundays since those are my "ME" days where I have the house to myself. I should also have sporadic time at work to work on it too - but I work in a cubicle with almost no privacy and for some reason I need privacy to write fiction. Tuesdays and Thursdays (except for Thanksgiving) should be good to me since my boyfriend has school those evenings, which means almost 2 hours of free time to work on the novel. Oh and I suppose November 10th and 11th will be good writing days as well since most everyone will be out of the office on the 10th and I have the 11th (Veteran's Day off). So, I think all those big chunks of time will help me immensely in getting this thing written!
I just hope when November 1st rolls around, I don't end up like teh kitteh seen here: